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Optimization of Hamerly’s K-Means Clustering Algorithm: CFXKMeans Library

July 21, 2017

This publication describes the application of performance optimizations techniques to Hamerly’s K-means clustering algorithm. Starting with an unoptimized implementation of the algorithm, we discuss: Thread scheduling Reduction patterns SIMD reduction Unroll and jam Presented optimizations aggregate to 85.6x speedup compared to the original unoptimized implementation. Resulting implementation is packaged into a library named CFXKMeans with interfaces for C/C++ and Python. The Python interface is benchmarked using the MNIST 784 data set. The result for K=64 is compared to the performance of K-means clustering implementation in a popular machine learning framework, scikit-learn, from the Intel distribution for Python. CFXKMeans performed our benchmark tests faster than scikit-learn by a factor of 4.68x on an Intel Xeon processor E5-2699 v4 and 5.54x on an Intel Xeon Phi 7250 processor. The CFXKMeans library has C/C++ and Python API and is available under the MIT license at  Colfax-Kmeans-Clustering-Optimization.pdf (365 KB) [...]

Machine Learning on 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon Phi™ Processors: Image Captioning with NeuralTalk2, Torch

June 20, 2016

  In this case study, we describe a proof-of-concept implementation of a highly optimized machine learning application for Intel Architecture. Our results demonstrate the capabilities of Intel Architecture, particularly the 2nd generation Intel Xeon Phi processors (formerly codenamed Knights Landing), in the machine learning domain. Download as PDF:  Colfax-NeuralTalk2-Summary.pdf (814 KB) or read online below. Code: see our branch of NeuralTalk2 for instructions on reproducing our results (in It uses our optimized branch of Torch to run efficiently on Intel architecture. See also: 1. Case Study It is common in the machine learning (ML) domain to see applications implemented with the use of frameworks and libraries such as Torch, Caffe, TensorFlow, and similar. This approach allows the computer scientist to focus on the learning algorithm, leaving the details of performance optimization to the framework. Similarly, the ML frameworks usually rely on a third-party library such as Atlas, CuBLAS, [...]