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MC² Series: Modern Code Contributed Talks

February 10, 2017

In Modern Code Contributed Talks, or MC² Series, experts in computational disciplines share their experience. Register for these ongoing webinars to learn the performance optimization methods used in real-life applications. Would you like to contribute a talk? Contact us. Scholarship is available in the form of access to a diverse collection of powerful computing [...]

Regional Trainings Begin for 2017

February 8, 2017

We are resuming our regional hands-on training on parallel programming and optimization at major universities across the United States. This year, in addition to teaching performance tuning on Intel Architecture, our program will include Hands-on exercises on our new Colfax Cluster with Intel Xeon Phi processors x200 and Information about machine learning on Intel Architecture Our first stop is Yale University on February 22-23. For future events, watch our Regional Training [...]

Performance Optimization for Intel® Xeon Phi™ x200 Product Family: Video

September 29, 2016

Optimization for Intel Xeon Phi Processors x200 Colfax now offers a 2-hour Hands-On Workshop (HOW) video on the best practices for performance optimization for Intel® Xeon Phi™ processor (formerly Knights Landing). Use links below the video to navigate the 10 episodes.     Slides:   HOW-Knights-Landing.pdf (4 MB) Part 1. Meet Intel Xeon Phi processors Purpose of Intel Xeon Phi processors and their organization from the programmer’s point of view. Episode 01. ► Intel architecture: today and tomorrow (14 min) Episode 02. ► Cores in Intel Xeon Phi processors (7 min) Episode 03. ► Vector Instruction Support (14 min) Episode 04. ► High-bandwidth memory (8 min) Episode 05. ► Clustering modes (9 min) Part 2. Hands-on Demonstrations Exercises in performance optimization for Intel Xeon Phi processors. Episode 06. ► Memory bandwidth optimization (19 min) (bonus: ► with memkind) (9 min) Episode 07. ► Vectorization with AVX-512 (13 min) (bonus: ► threading) (9 min) Episode 08. ► Tuning with Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) (20 min) Episode 09. [...]

HOW Series “Tools”

May 19, 2016

The free Hands-On Webinar (HOW) series explores 3 essential software development tools for Intel architecture: Intel VTune Amplifier, Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) and Intel Advisor. Each 2-hour webinar comprises a theoretical part and a hands-on component, which is live demonstration of programming and optimization techniques on modern Intel Xeon processors and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. The Colfax HOW Tools training series is an integral part of the Intel Modern Code Developer program which supports developers in leveraging application performance in code through a systematic optimization methodology. For similar upcoming trainings, see our Training Calendar. Webinar 1 – Hotspot-guided optimization with Intel VTune Amplifier XE   This session features select topics of performance diagnostics using Intel VTune Amplifier XE. Discussion of general performance optimization challenges. Demonstration of the usage of VTune to identify top hotspots on traditional CPUs and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. Illustration of the optimization report functionality of Intel compilers. [...]